hey everyone!
I think that video teach us a lot of things about communication even if we don't know how to play the game. You have to work with your team members in order to win. Sometimes video games are hard to play but it's nice to work with other people in the class. I am actually having fun, even though I totally suck at these games.
Baheya Mansi

hey everyone,
I hope everything is okay.
We started a new game called quake. It is a really hard game based on team building. We need to communicate with the team members in order to be successful. I don't know how to play this game. It is really hard and I need help with it.
Baheya Mansi
hey everyone,
i hope everything is okay.
Today is twin day but we decided to be 4. Me, hania., farah and logina. We are wearing black boots, jeans, pink shirt and black jacket. I have a lot of homework so I need to work a lot because it's the end of the quarter.
Thank you
Baheya Mansi
hey everyone!
I hope everything is okay.
I'm back to school after being sick for 2 days. Today is sporty day. So everyone is wearing sport clothes.
Today was a terrible day. I had a chem test in the morning, then I had an english and a math quiz. I am so tired and I want to go home. I want to sleep. I don't have a lot of homework today, so I'm just going to relax.
Baheya Mansi
this week's technology blog is about the laser keyboard. It is composed of a small block that you carry around and you click on the button and the laser keyboard appears on the flat surface. It is so cool but it is sometimes not comfortable. I think it is amazing that they create things that are easier to carry around.

Baheya Mansi

Hello everyone! I hope everything is okay.

Yesterday I didn’t post a blog because I was extremely sick and my parents were traveling and I slept the whole day.  I went to school but I was feeling so tired. I have a lot of homework to do but I will finish it during this weekend.

Baheya Mansi 

Hey everyone!
I hope that everything is fine. The game we started yesterday is kind of hard, but I am actually to like it.  We started by creating a group and getting to practice the game. It is actually really hard but it needs practice. When we played yesterday, I did not like it but today I started to like it. I hope it gets better and easier.

Baheya Mansi

hey everyone!!
I hope everything is fine.
It's a new week and we have new stuff to do. I have a history project with Hania, Farah, Faisal and Zwein. They are  coming over so that we can finish it.
I also have something I need to finish for this week and a test on thursday.
there is a thing that has been going for a few days on twitter and facebook and everywhere. It is about stoping Joseph Kony in the United States. He is  the leader of Uganda's guerilla army,and they made a short movie about the invisible children. They want to stop him. It is a campaign to raise awareness.

Baheya Mansi
hello everyone,
If anyone is talking about tech news, they will probably talking about the new iPad, some people think it's not really good because it is the same as iPad 2 except for the camera. The camera is better quality. They say it doesn't have a home button. Other people say it's good, but if I were to buy an iPad, i would buy the iPad2 because it is practically the same and it's costs less .
Baheya Mansi