Today,Tuesday, was the last day of the volleyball intermural, and it was Lions against Champions, and the Loins won, it was a competitive game. Today, also, we are continuing to work on iGoogle and discover how to add Google groups on it, but it is not working. Today is also a shortened day and we have advisory at the end! I think we have an assembly. Tomorrow I have a chemistry quiz, and after tomorrow I have a math quiz.
Yesterday, Massimo took our passports to get the visa for Qatar for the MUN class.
On iGoogle, there are these really cool gadgets about animals and you could play with them, it is really funny, some people are actually creating a tab and naming it "Zoo"
I am almost done with this week's assignment, I wrote 2 blogs and this one is my third. Everyday I write one, and I already set up my iGoogle and google gro

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